Currently, the university has about 20.000 students and each year about 3.300 new students are enrolled. From 40 academic programs, 26 are undergraduate including the five international programs, 9 professional, magister and doctorate programs and the rest are the diploma programs. Most of the programs are accredited as A (very good) and B (good) by the National Board of Accreditation (BAN-PT).
Some academic programs, especially to which Islamic value could enrich the curricula, are deemed as one of our strongest offers to prospective international students. Faculty of Law and Faculty of Economics (Management and Economics) for instance offer international programs where Islamic related subjects are offered such as Islamic Thought, Islamic Economics, Islamic Law, Indonesian Business Practices and Islamic Business Practices. Dual Degree with University of Wollongong (Australia) is also offered by Management and Economics Study Programs. Faculty of Medicine offers also subjects on Family Medicine and Islamic Medicine which could enrich international student in understanding general medicine in more comprehensive way.
UII has cooperation and partner agreements with various foreign universities, with the aim of developing human resources and implementing an effective quality management system. UII’s partner universities include, among others, Monash University Australia, Pai Chai University Korea, University of Karlsrühe Germany, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM), Tokyo Metropolitan University, Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), Cyprus, Rajamanggala University of Technology Thanyaburi (RMUTT) Thailand, and Rajamanggala University of Technology Tawan-ok (RMUTTO) Thailand.
UII also has cooperation agreements with a range of industries and associations, in the form of scholarships, graduate recruitment, joint seminars and supporting equipment for laboratories. Partner industries and associations include Microsoft, SAP, PT. ASTRA, Exxon Mobile Oil, Cisco Networking Academy, and Oracle.UII alumnus is well known and widespread throughout Indonesia. Prominent alumni include Prof. Dr. Moh. Mahfud, M.D as Chairman of the Constitutional Court, Byusro Muqqodas as Chairman of the Judicial Commission, Prof. Sarwidi, Ph.D and Prof. Widodo as national seismologists, and Dr. Sudi Fahmi as rector of Lancang Kuning University, Riau. Many mayors and regional leaders are also alumni of UII, such as Abdullah Tausikal (Regent of Central Maluku), Agus Salim (Regent of Mempawah) and Herry Zudianto (Mayor of Yogyakarta). Some UII graduates have become national figures, including Artika Sari Dewi (Miss Indonesia 2005), Ambar Polah Cahyono, Chairman of the Association Furniture Manufacturers, and Wisnu Bayuaji of the Cook and Bayuaji, an architect consultant in Asia and Europe.
This network of cooperation, as well as strong alumni, demonstrates a high level of trust from the public. We anticipate that this process will allow UII to fulfill its mission. Entrance to UII is a process of planting strong Islamic values and developing a sustainable innovative tradition to achieve perfection.