Vision and Missions
Diterbitkan: 19 November 2013
- To be a superior faculty in developing human resources that oriented to future with commitment on changes and improvement in industrial technology, professional in education, research and community service to achieve khairo ummah’s (best community’s) characteristics.
- To create an institution that will be part of dakwah islamiyah based on Al-Quran and Al-Hadits in education, knowledge and technology, a place for an individual with ulil albab characteristics to expose themselves as khoiru ummah.
- To run teaching and learning system with information technology support and communication in modern higher education system framework that oriented to the development of knowledge and technology, maintain commitment on various implementation instruments to run qualified education.
- To create supreme human resources by the improvement of research quality and community service with technology innovation and creativity of knowledge’s implementation with adequate basic skill that oriented to human’s welfare, able to be motivator to economic growth and community’s welfare.
- To generate superior graduates in performance and behavior to be actively involved in society and able to compete in recent fiercer competition.
- To execute education process for higher education by implementing good management principles; equity, transparency, accountability and responsibility.
Oleh: mechanical
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